Sunsets, Stars, and June Bugs


    Growing up in the Midwest surrounded by flat countryside and fields, we could see for miles, and the sunsets on the horizon were vibrant, textured, had depth, and sometimes it looked like the sky was on fire.  They were amazing, but when you grow up with something you often take it for granted.

    One thing we liked about Florida was watching the sun go down over the Gulf.  The sunsets there were softer, more subtle than what I was used to, but still very pretty.  We chose the Gulf side vs the Atlantic side so we could watch the sun set over the water.  We were only a 10 minute drive from the beach, and Alan and I would sometimes drive there and just watch the sunset together.  That stopped when we had a special needs dog that couldn't be left alone, and life got a bit hectic.  Our house in Florida was in town and was bordered by trees, so we didn't see a proper sunset for years.  During the last few years we lived in Florida I was wondering if I'd ever see a sunset again.  That sounds dramatic, but it's true, and the other thing I didn't realize I was missing until a few years ago was being able to see the stars at night.  Since we were in town, the light pollution prevented us from seeing the stars.  I was craving space so I could breathe, see sunsets, and see the stars!!!  

    Every night since we moved here, Alan and I have watched the sun set over the fields, and I no longer take that for granted.  They're different from the ones I grew up with, and different from the ones in Florida.  I never realized sunsets would vary so much in different parts of the country. Ours are still softer than the ones in IL yet more vibrant than the ones in Florida. They start out a buttery yellow that turns to lemon and then intensifies to peach, or tangerine and blueberries with a pop of plum in there for good measure.  They begin where the sun goes down, and then slowly spread over the Northern skies.  We can sit on our porch, feasting our eyes on them together with the dogs, and it's incredible.  


STARS & JUNE BUGS:  The first time I looked at the stars here they took my breath away!  The sky was full of them and I could see the Big Dipper right away.  It's incredible that the stars are there all the time but we just can't always see them.  Kind of like some things in life I suppose.  We're looking forward to finishing our fire pit so we can sit outside and be with the stars.

Just quickly, a June Bug observation.  We didn't have them in Florida!  I saw some the other day and I REMEMBERED June bugs. Again, something you just know because you grow up with them, and then they're gone and you forget.  It's nice to remember, even if it's a June bug.  I'm wondering if we'll get fireflies here?  I'll let you know!!
