Why Thyme?

Thyme leaves can be used fresh or dried to add wonderful flavor to many recipes. But did you know this herb is known for it's medicinal and healing properties?

A bit of History:

The name Thyme comes from the Greek “thymos” meaning spirit or smoke. Properties attributed to thyme by the Greeks included the giving of strength and courage.  Thyme was a very popular herb during the days of the ancient Greeks and Romans. Greeks used it for massage and in bath oils, as incense, and for medicinal purposes. The Greeks often used the phrase “To smell of Thyme” as praise. Later, in the Middle Ages, Knights would have a sprig of Thyme embroidered on their scarves by their lady as a sign of their bravery.

Medicinal Uses:

Antiseptic, expectorant, anti-microbial, soothes coughs and chest infections (especially deep seated with thick yellow phlegm). It is a digestive tonic, warming the middle.  It is antispasmodic; helps stomach chills, gastroenteritis and diarrhea. It also helps to heal wounds. Thyme can be used as an infusion to treat coughs, colds and chest infections. In syrup form it is soothing for sore throats as thyme is an antiseptic, antibacterial and antifungal herb. The essential oil can be used as a rub for chest infections, or as massage oil for aching joints of rheumatic pain.

Holistic/Spiritual Properties:

As with many herbs, it can be burned as a purifier, and inhaling the burning scent is thought renew energy.  Burn it in the home to banish evil and to purify the home or a specific room. When carried on the person, Thyme is thought to inspire courage, attract good health, and protect from negativity,  Thyme can also be added to the bath for purifying and mental clarity.  Put a handful in cheesecloth and hang it from the faucet while the bath water is running. Fresh sprigs can be placed in a pillow to promote sleep and prevent nightmares. It helps to stimulate warmth in the Solar Plexus and this in turn opens up rhythmic activity in the lungs and heart to calm and to help gather strength.  Burn some Thyme to help boost your courage and confidence when facing challenging situations. It is said to strengthen the will, give courage and promote confidence.
